According to Nerjis Asif Shakirs maternal mother Roshan the Mundan removal of the hair of a new born child should be done within 6 days and the Akika in a weeks time.. So this Nerjis Asif Shakir after her Mundan on the 6 th day of her life on this planet.
I see her every day it is a ritual shoot a few pictures of her tryst with life with the Shakirs of Bandra as crazy as the Swiss family Robinson put mildly..
Last evening she slept in my lap and later when she awoke she looked deep into my eyes speaking to me through the silence of her soul..what lies ahead que sera sera whatever will be will be.. que sera sera..
Like me Marziya too has started shooting Nerjis Asif Shakir in earnest..the camera is an expression of the unseen that reveals truth through every frame ,
Her father Asif has a special attachment as she shares her birthday with e but he loves Marziya far too much too.. Marziya is the Queen we pamper we spoil...she is our first Grandchild who gave us another reason to live..
Nerjis Asif Shakir is a congenital think , always thinking what next as my next few pictures in this lot will show..Nerjis Asif Shakir too has moved out from Google+nothing personal Facebook Twitter are just about enough to handle for the time being..Google+gave her notoriety to fame as a Google+kid she was born the day she signed into Google +one day old child of cyberspace..
Now she is contend happy being Renie Ranvins god child and Indi Blogger.