Nerjis Asif Shakir

Nerjis Asif Shakir
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Nerjis Asif Street Photographer

Nerjis Asif Street Photographer
Bollywoods Most Wanted Photographer

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bibi Zainabs Chadar on Her Head

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My wife was in Karbala Iran and Damascus for Ashura Moharam, and bought this chadar for Marziya that I wrapped on this child malangs head.. the chadar has touched the roza of Bibi Zainab.. the indomitable brave courageous sister of Imam Hussain ..

Bibi Zainab stood up against Yazid a tyrant a despot and the man responsible for killing Imam Hussain the son of Imam Ali and the grandson of our Holy Prophet.. ..

My 5 month old gifted grand daughter Nerjis Asif Shakir aspiring street photographer who shoots on the Nikon D 80 assisted by me is a Malang like me ..our breath is Ali our pledge is Ali.. Har Dam Har Pal Ali.. Ali Ali Ali .. Nam Liya Bala Tali Ali Ali Ali