Nerjis Asif Shakir

Nerjis Asif Shakir
Click This Image See Her Latest Picture At Flickr

Nerjis Asif Street Photographer

Nerjis Asif Street Photographer
Bollywoods Most Wanted Photographer

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Street Photography Is Life And Truth Shot By Nerjis Asif Shakir 2 Year Old

i know
she does
not understand
at all what i
make her shoot
but it will lie in her
head as a micro chip
for a later date when
understanding comes
en route .. so she shoots
life and lifelessness
senselessness mute
of the drunkard watched
by a lady ..destitute
a thought if you savor
an urban struggle for
survival acute ...innocence
prevails even scenes like
this her soul wont uproot

this child is far too intelligent
besides being photogenically cute