My Backyard Shot By Nerjis Asif Shakir 1 Year Old Canon 60D, a photo by firoze shakir photographerno1 on Flickr.
I held the camera while its strap around her neck and Nerjis Asiif Shakir one year ols aspiring street photographer took this shot , she is dead sure about the shutter button on the Canon EOS 7D and I let her shoot what she wants to shoot , be it blank shots birdcages , my wifes hand bag..all part of her learning..
She is totally besotted by the camera more than her sister Marziya Shakir who now has gone back to her love of dolls doll houses.. my book cupboard has been emptied out to make place for her new toys.
Most of the time I take Nerjis Asif Shakir down without the camera let her feel the streets , her friends the street cobbler , and a few faces she smiles at..
My third Grand Daughter Zaira Saif Shakir is very small learning to walk but ferociously possessive of my wife , she wont allow anyone be it Marziya or Nerjis to touch my wife ..she has one love too and that is my laptop , this is like magnet that makes her crawl towards it, press the keyboard and adds her commands .
However Nerjis and I share a systematic mental bond.. we hit off and in the mornings she wakes up to help me clean the bird cage feed the birds ..
Marziya nowadays is busy with watercoloring ..
Last evening all three had gone with their mothers for shopping and games at Phoenix Mills.