World Photography Day At My House - Marziya Shot By Nerjis Asif Shakir 1 Year Old, a photo by firoze shakir photographerno1 on Flickr.
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I have to hold the camera Canon EOS 60D but the strap of the camera is around the neck my one year old grand daughter Nerjis Asif Shakir , she thinks without the strap around her neck the camera wont work, next comes her fingers on the shutter , she knows the shutter very well..
And shooting the streets and home is her practice sessions ..I have nurtured her on the camera first the toy one and gradually the real one .
Marziya Shakir learnt photography on the Nikon D 80 because I was broke and could not switch over to Canon.. with Gods grace I did selling both my crappy Nikons as junk.
I got the Canon EOS 7 D as a gift and Marziya Shakir 4 year old began shooting on it, I borrowed got her the Canon EOS 60D a lighter camera as the 7D has a vertical grip which makes it more heavier.
Nerjis Asif Shakir 1 year old loves cameras , both of them.. and each shot she takes I make her see it on the monitor .
My grand children are seeing the world through the camera viewfinder , they see feel the pain of the beggar , they give their pocket money to a lady down the road called the Umbrella Lady of Bandra Reclamation.
And my grandchildren are not intimidated by big lenses or celebrity photographers .. but one divine lesson I taught them through photography is humility the one and only essence of humanity.So Happy World Photography Day from the Camera Crazy Shakirs of Bandra.