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Marziya Shakir was born on 24 Nov.
Her Birthday as per Muslim Calendar was 30 Sept.. and so we decided to celebrate it yesterday as 24 Nov is Moharam .. we dont partake in happiness during the Mourning of the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain.
All three Shakir from left Zaira Saif Shakir 11 month old , Nerjis Asif Shakir street photographer 14 month old and Marziya Shakir Photographer No1 - 5 year old.
The party was a very small one Marziyas 3 best friends Zehra Mehreen and Sakina her uncle Shayan..and house folks..
My daughter and sons ..
On the menus was home made samosas , fried finger chips dahi puri and noodles all kiddy stuff plus the cake..
Some games .. no music , and the kids had lot of fun , Assad shot the video I took the stills.
But Nerjis Asif Shakir shot 3 frames on the Canon 60 D.
Canon User 60D..now 6 year old clicking on the second image will take you to her latest pictures at Flickr